6to4 Tunnel_zdl244的博客-CSDN博客

Jun 27, 2010 · The 6to4 address assigned to the tunnel interface is a /16, which means that a route to 2002::/16 is created in the routing table, pointing to the 6to4 interface. This is how any other 6to4 destination can be reached: every other 6to4 address is seen as being "directly connected", and the "link layer" is really the IPv4 Internet: when you send A common use case for a VPN tunnel is to access the internet from behind it to evade censorship or geolocation and protect your connection from untrusted internet service providers, WiFi hotspots, and sites and services you connect to. How to set up the OpenVPN Split Tunnel. The tutorial works with the OpenVPN GUI. Step 1. Install OpenVPN and import all config files. Please follow the tutorial here. Step 2. Open the config file (in your preferred text editor) for the server you want to connect to. By default, you should be able to locate the config files in the following path I wanted to reach target IP address which is only reachable through the OpenVPN tunnel to my Access Server at My VPN client’s IP address is still as in the diagram given above. Mar 01, 2017 · We use the open source OpenVPN for our office VPN. In general it’s great, however when working away from the office, it’s configured such that any request for a resource first checks outside of the firewall to see if it can access it. If it can, it does, no VPN involved. If it can’t, it then tries inside the VPN tunnel. From the OpenVPN HowTo Documentation. Implementation. Add the following directive to the server configuration file: push "redirect-gateway def1" If your VPN setup is over a wireless network, where all clients and the server are on the same wireless subnet, add the local flag:

6to4 within DO on Ubuntu | DigitalOcean

华为路由器6to4隧道原理及配置_游离态De猫 …

rc: openvpn export: use WAN IPv6 address first …

To test an OpenVPN tunnel setup I need to detect when a newly started OpenVPN daemon has established a tunnel (or tried and failed to do so) before trying to send something over the tunnel. The part of the puzzle that's missing is the routing. If the tunnel is up you want "all" outgoing traffic to use it. Otherwise use the normal route. This is handled within OpenVPN using the redirect-gateway def1 parameter in your client configuration.