eMule is a P2P application which means that many other users will want to connect to your eMule to upload or download files. For this purpose eMule opens two ports on which it listens for incomming connections or packets.

Setup a port forward in your router to allow incoming A port forward is a way of making a computer on your home or business network accessible to computers on the internet even though they are behind a router. It is commonly used in gaming security camera setup voice over ip and downloading files. Bon ports TCP et UDP Emule [Résolu] - Comment Ça Marche salut tout le monde! g de gros soucis avec emule v0.49a. je n'arrive pas a trouver les ports tcp et udp. g essayer plein d'endroit pour les trouver et rien. le test des ports est toujours negatif. please A L'AIDE.

Online Content | EMule.com

Aug 31, 2012 ports of emule - McAfee Support Community Dec 24, 2012 WhatFirewallPortsToOpen - MLDonkey

Port forwarding with Emule Solutions | Experts Exchange

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